Weight Limit Policies

Last updated 12/14/21


At Chariot Riders, safety is our primary concern. We must ensure the health and wellness of our participants, volunteers, instructors, and horses as mandated by PATH Intl. Horses are selected for participants based on a rider’s skill set, stability on the horse, equipment available, appropriateness of volunteers available, horse conformation and movement, and rider’s weight.

Chariot Riders has maximum weight limits of 250lbs for balanced and/or independent riders and 160lbs for unbalanced and/or supported riders. In addition, Chariot Riders can accommodate riders up to 140lbs in PT, OT, or speech therapy sessions incorporating mounted work on the equines. All individuals in Adaptive Riding and Hippotherapy will be evaluated to ensure the safety of their participation in mounted activities or therapies. Among the factors to be considered will be the availability of appropriate horses, volunteers, and tack. Please note that the herd, volunteers, and tack at Chariot Riders is dynamic and due to this fact, we may not always have horses, tack, or volunteers available to safely accommodate every individual who wishes to participate.

The Adaptive Riding Program at Chariot Riders is unable to accommodate unbalanced and/or supported riders above 160lbs. An unbalanced and/or supported rider is an individual who may demonstrate one or several of the following: chronic leaning to one side, unable to consistently sit astride a horse without support, needs help supporting the upper body, needs physical assistance during the mount or dismount, needs physical assistance during an emergency dismount (or is unable to consent to the risks of being unassisted during an emergency), is easily left behind the horse’s movement, etc. Clients participating in therapy sessions involving mounted work at Chariot Riders may not exceed 160 to enable the therapists the ability to incorporate position changes, dynamic stretches, interactive activities, etc.