Scheduling, Payment and Cancellation Policies

RIDER MANUAL – Last updated 3/1/24

Scheduling Lessons: **Paying Monthly: To keep the day and time spot for your lesson each week, payment is required in advance for the number of times that lesson falls in any given month (4 or 5). If there are 5 weeks in that month you must  pay for all 5 weeks to get the monthly discount and to keep the day and time spot each week.

Scheduling Biweekly or less than 4 sessions per month: Lesson fees to increase by $10 per lesson (Therapeutic $55 Recreational $65)

Scheduling Lessons: **Paying per Lesson: If you should choose to pay for each lesson as you take it, your lessons will run on a week-to-week basis, meaning you will not be guaranteed that day and time each week and you may not schedule lessons several weeks in advance. Lesson fee $65 Therapeutic/$75 Recreational)

Payment Policy: If you are scheduling monthly blocks of lessons, payment is due and expected on the first scheduled lesson of the month. If you are not able to make that lesson for any reason, payment is still due and should be mailed or delivered to the barn.  If you are paying per lesson, payment is due prior to the start of the lesson.


Late Arrivals: If you arrive late to your scheduled lesson, your lesson will end at the regularly scheduled time. Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late will be unable to ride as this is disruptive to the rest of the class. In addition, the abbreviated time schedule will not allow for a regular lesson to take place. This lesson will not be rescheduled or refunded.

Weather Cancellations: Our lessons are held rain or shine. In severe weather conditions, we will cancel lessons and these classes will be re-scheduled. If your lesson must be cancelled due to inclement weather, we will attempt to contact you before the lesson at the number you have provided.

Please make sure that your instructor has your current contact information. If you don’t hear from us, you should assume that your lesson is going to take place. Remember that weather conditions at the barn may be different from weather in your area at any certain time.