Therapeutic Riding Benefits
Therapeutic horseback riding creates smiles, laughter, friendship, and healing. At Chariot Riders, we see children and adults every day who improve their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well being by relating to horses in our therapeutic environment.
Our well trained and genuinely caring staff and volunteers, and our generous benefactors have made it possible for us to offer a unique and often life changing horse experience to children and adults in our community since 1989.
Chariot Riders Inc. is a registered non-profit organization that is accredited by the Professional Association Of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH). We service individuals as well as public and private schools. In addition to our lesson program, we also offer summer camps, in house and off premises horse shows, year round riding in an indoor arena, in house 4-H club, and group trips and activities.
We are proud to offer the following ongoing programs and services:
Programs for Autism and Communication Disorders
Equine Assisted Learning
Sensory Trail Experience
Horses for Heros